Physical Therapy
Spine Rehabilitation (Neck, Middle Back, Lumbar, Sacral)
Extremity Rehabilitation (Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Foot/Ankle)
Headache/Neck pain
Pregnancy Pain & Postpartum Pain
Running Injury
Sports Related Injuries
Arthritis Relief
Over-use Injuries
Post-Surgical Status
Wellness and Preventative Treatment
Running Analysis/Injury Prevention
Pregnancy and Postpartum Wellness Programs
Return to running programs (Couch to 5K)
Fall Prevention or Balance Wellness Program
Safe, Effective Exercise Program
Postural Reeducation Program
Health and Wellness Seminars
Exercises for the Seated Professional
Don’t Break your Back: Proper Lifting
Dynamic Stretching
Core and Gluteal Retraining
Will customize to your need
(Please call for pricing on wellness seminars)
Physical Therapy & Wellness Services
Physical Therapy Initial Evaluation (approximately 60 min)
Private, one on one session with Lisa in your office or home
Thorough review of your medical history, current symptoms, and concerns
Examination of injured body part and “whole body” assessment for dysfunction
Review of my findings, education on how to prevent further injury and relieve stress from the injured body part
Beginning treatment including manual therapy, specific exercises, and education on proper movement patterns
This service is provided if you have a specific injury or pain
Physical Therapy Follow Up Visit (approximately 45 min)
Private, one on one session with Lisa in your office or home
Review any questions you had from the previous session
Continue with treatment plan including manual therapy, specific exercises and education
Initial Wellness and Preventative Session (approximately 60 min)
Private, one on one session with Lisa in your office or home
Thorough review of your medical history, review of your concerns and goals
“Whole body” assessment to determine areas of weakness or restriction
Review and education of my findings
Begin wellness plan including manual therapy, specific exercises, and education on proper movement patterns
This service is provided if you do NOT have a current injury but want to prevent an injury, prevent reinjury or improve your overall well being
Wellness Follow Up Visit (approximately 45 min)
Private, one on one session with Lisa in your office or home
Review any questions you had from the previous session
Continue with wellness plan including exercises, manual therapy, and education
Please reach out for a price list for the above services.
Please refer to our Forms Section to guide you in determining your Insurance's Out-of-Network Benefits and HSA coverage for possible reimbursement to the above charges.